PostNord named industry winner in Sustainable Brand Index Sweden
PostNord has been named industry winner in Sweden in Sustainable Brand Index, Europe's largest independent brand study on sustainability.
In total, PostNord came in place 118 out of 436. Sustainable Brand Index measures how consumers in the Nordics, Baltics and the Netherlands perceive over 1,600 well-known brands in 36 industries, with a focus on sustainability.
"To develop the business and customer offering, contribute to sustainable development, and earn the trust of customers and other key stakeholders, we are investing in a number of initiatives, including green corridors and Nordic Swan Ecolabelled deliveries. Being a fair employer is also a central part of PostNord's sustainability agenda," says Amanda Jackson, Head of Group Sustainability.
Large-scale climate transition via Green by PostNord
PostNord's overall climate goal is fossil-free transportation and operations by 2030. We focus on optimizing our logistics system and the vehicles that we and our transport suppliers drive on the Nordic roads. The Group-wide program Green by PostNord ensures that the transition is fast, resource-efficient and successful.
Fossil-free in green corridors
PostNord's green corridors mean fossil-free deliveries from the customer's warehouse to the end recipient or from terminal to terminal. By focusing our climate transition on specific regions and parts of our network, we can meet customer needs and reduce emissions in a cost-effective way. Overall, we have reduced carbon emissions from our operations by 35 percent since 2020.
Nordic Swan Ecolabel in the checkout
PostNord offers Nordic Swan Ecolabelled e-commerce deliveries in Sweden. The Nordic Swan, the official Nordic environmental label, makes it easy for consumers to choose a more sustainable delivery when shopping online.
Fair conditions
We want PostNord to be a welcoming, fair and safe workplace. Collective agreements for all employees are a given. We ensure that everyone in our workplaces is safe and secure at work. When it comes to suppliers' employees, our main tools are PostNord's Supplier Code of Conduct and the Truck Transport Social Guidelines.