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Financial Reporting

Interim Report January-March 2023

Actions taken produce results

First quarter 2023

  • Net sales totaled SEK 9,899 million (9,772), a decrease of –1 percent (–6) in fixed currency for like-for-like units
  • Parcel volumes decreased in all by –2 percent (–10)
  • Mail volumes decreased by –11 percent (–13)
  • Operating income (EBIT) totaled SEK 43 million (98)

General comments

  • Measures taken stabilize the result in the quarter
    • Income negatively affected by forward exchange contracts of SEK-37 (19)m
    • Great uncertainty remains, consumer confidence still at historically low level
  • Work ongoing to increase our flexibility
  • Continued focus on improvement programs
  • We continue to invest in the climate transformation and the customer offering

