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Financial Reporting

Interim Report January-June 2021

Second quarter 2021

  • Operating income (EBIT) totaled SEK 518 million (517)
  • Adjusted operating profit improved by 28 percent from SEK 404 million to SEK 518 million – sales growth and improvement programs were the factors behind the profit improvement
  • Overall, parcels volumes rose 21 percent (14), driven by continued growth in business-to-consumer and recovery in business-to- business
  • Mail volumes decreased by -4 percent (-19). Strong quarter driven by increased need for public information and market communication and by the fact that the previous year was negatively affected by the coronavirus pandemic 

Overall comments

  • The steady growing e-commerce business results in continued strong volume growth in the logistics business.
  • The improvement programs are running according to plan, which together with sales growth has laid the foundation for the stable result in the quarter and the sharply improved result for the first six months of the year.
  • Within the framework of PostNord's ambitious sustainability agenda, the work is conducted with high intensity.
