We unleash the power of diversity
Unleashing the power of our diversity gives strength to every employee, and the company as a whole.
Target and performance
Our inclusion target is based on how every employee perceives PostNord. The Inclusion Index summarizes employees' responses to the statement “In my team we respect and trust one another”. The inclusion index will be revised to include more aspects in order to get a more detailed picture of employees' perception of inclusion at PostNord.
What we do
At a company as large and versatile as ours, there are opportunities for everybody. Whether someone comes from a professional or academic background, PostNord offers a range of career paths suited to different skill sets and interests. By emphasizing sincerity and positive relationships, we work, learn, and succeed together. PostNord’s efforts to make our company more inclusive for everyone are managed by each country of operation.

Annual and Sustainability Report
To learn more about PostNord’s people efforts and performance, please see our most recent annual and sustainability report.
Explore PostNord’s sustainability agenda
PostNord's Group-wide agenda for sustainable logistics includes targets on climate, workplace safety, responsible sourcing, and diversity and inclusion.