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Electric vehicles

PostNord has one of Europe's largest fleets of electric vehicles with approximately 5,000 electric bicycles, mopeds and club cars.

Electric vehicles is nothing new to PostNord. A century ago, just before the First World War, electric cars were used in Copenhagen for local distribution. In Sweden the first electric car where launched in the 1970s. 

Electric vehicles have low impact on the environment, are reliable and offer low cost per kilometre. But how do electric cars work in reality? Are they as good as traditional fuel-driven cars?

Join our mailman Thorbjörn Klockare, in Luleå in the north of Sweden, on a delivery route in an electrical car. He’s used it for years and only has good things to say about driving environmentally friendly. Click on the image to start the film.

Facts about PostNord's electric fleet

Around 28% of our vehicles are electric. Many of the group’s employees use bicycles in their daily work. PostNord is conducting tests of the latest generation of electric vehicles for both collection and delivery of mail in Sweden and Denmark. Of the group’s approximately 5,000 electric vehicles, more than 80% are small electric vehicles such as bicycles and mopeds. We are also testing larger electric vehicles because there is a need to be able to cover longer distances with heavier loads.

The investment in electric vehicles is an important component of PostNord’s efforts to achieve the long-term target of reducing the group’s carbon emissions by 40% between 2009 and 2020.