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On fair conditions

Caring for people extends beyond PostNord’s own employees and workplaces. We focus on fair conditions for truck drivers at external transport companies and employees at our suppliers.



PostNord’s commitment to and targets on fair conditions include external truck drivers and suppliers’ employees.

Truck Transport Social Guidelines

The Truck Transport Social Guidelines (TTSG) were developed by a number of transportation buyers and providers working together in CSR Europe, including PostNord. The aim of these guidelines is to improve working conditions for truck drivers in Europe, by outlining the expectations transport buyers have towards their suppliers, and the expectations transport suppliers have towards their sub-contractors.

Responsible Procurement Index

The PostNord Responsible Procurement Index (RPI) is an internal index for purchases in accordance with PostNord’s policy and guidelines. The index is based on: the percentage of centrally procured purchases according to PostNord guidelines; the percentage of procured road transportation services according to PostNord guidelines; and the percentage of purchases from suppliers who have signed PostNord’s Supplier Code of Conduct, and have been assessed and approved by PostNord.


During 2023, we proceeded to implement the Truck Transport Guidelines in our operations. The target year for RPI 100 has been moved from 2025 to 2026 to be more realistic, given that not all activities have been implemented as planned since the pandemic.

Survey of external drivers gave good results in Norway

To become a better workplace, we reached out directly to the external drivers who come to PostNord's terminals. When we tested a spot-check tool in all PostNord markets, the terminals in Norway received the most responses. Read about how the Alfaset and Langhus terminals in Oslo are working with the survey results.

Spot-check tool
Spot-check tool

Annual and Sustainability Report

To learn more about PostNord’s people efforts and performance, please see our most recent annual and sustainability report.


All reports
All reports

What we do

We are committed to Responsible Trucking, partnering with industry leaders to improve working conditions for European truck drivers through the implementation of Truck Transport Social Guidelines (TTSG) and ensuring a sustainable supply chain with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Better conditions for external drivers

PostNord is part of Responsible Trucking, an initiative by CSR Europe, to enhance sustainability in the transport and logistics sector. Alongside partners like BMW Group, H&M Group, IKEA Supply AG, Scania, and Volvo Group, our goal is to improve working conditions for European truck drivers.

We have committed to implement the Truck Transport Social Guidelines (TTSG). For us, this means offering toilets, clean water, and weather protection at terminals, as well as the possibility to voice concerns.


Responsible procurement

PostNord’s efforts to promote a sustainable supply chain are based on our Supplier Code of Conduct.

PostNord’s Code of Conduct is integral to all supplier agreements, and mandates legal compliance, good working conditions, safety, environmental responsibility, and anti-corruption measures.

Monitoring supplier compliance involves self-assessment, risk evaluation, and on-site audits. High-risk suppliers undergo on-site audits based on their industry, location, volume, criticality, self-assessment, and our knowledge of suppliers. Following SA8000 standards, audits include document reviews, environmental inspections, and interviews. Deviations prompt corrective action plans. PostNord supports suppliers who aim to improve, and collaboration termination is a last resort.

The spot-check tool helps us improve

For us, fair conditions for all workers is a serious matter and we constantly strive to improve. That is why we recently tested a spot-check tool at selected terminals. The spot-check tool is a survey where we ask external drivers who visit us for feedback. The Pilängen terminal in Örebro, Sweden is one of the places where the survey was conducted, and where hundreds of drivers stop every day. 

Spot-check tool
Spot-check tool

Supplier Code of Conduct

PostNord’s Code of Conduct for suppliers and suppliers of road transportation specifies our sustainability-related requirements on business partners.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct

Learn more about PostNord’s purchasing

PostNord promotes sustainable supply chain practices through transparency, dialogue, and collaboration.