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2023-07-20 10:25

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of PostNord AB (publ)

Note: Every care has been taken in the translation of this document. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish original will supersede the English translation

Shareholders in PostNord AB (publ), Company Reg. No. 556771-2640, are hereby notified of an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company.


Time: 8.30 CET, Monday, August 21, 2023 

Venue: PostNord’s headquarters, Terminalvägen 24, Solna, Sweden


Right to participate and attend, and registration


Shareholders wishing to participate in the General Meeting must be entered in the stock register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB by no later than Friday, August 11, 2023.


In order to be entitled to exercise their voting rights and participate in the General Meeting, shareholders who have registered their shares in the name of a nominee, must temporarily re-register shares in their own name in the stock register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB (“registration for voting”). The EGM stock register produced on the record date, Friday, August 11, 2023, will take into account registrations for voting made no later than Tuesday, August 15, 2023. This means that shareholders should inform their nominees of the re-registration in good time prior to this date.


Members of the Danish and Swedish Parliaments

Members of the Danish and Swedish Parliaments are entitled to be present at the General Meeting after registering with the Company and, in connection with this, to ask questions of the Company.


The public

The Meeting will be open to members of the public on request.


Intention to participate may be made by regular mail to PostNord AB (publ), Investor Relations, A 12 V, SE-105 00 Stockholm, Sweden or by email to The Company must have received notice of participation by no later than one week before the meeting, that is, by Monday, August 14, 2023.


Proxy etc.

Persons wishing to participate via a proxy or representative must submit a form of proxy, registration certificate or other authorization documents to the Company at the above address in good time before the meeting.

Proposed agenda

  1. Opening of the General Meeting
  2. Election of the Chairman of the Meeting
  3. Compilation and approval of the voting list
  4. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes
  5. Approval of the agenda
  6. Resolution regarding right of attendance of external parties
  7. Determination of whether the meeting was duly convened
  8. Statement of the shareholders’ proposal for a resolution regarding the election of new members of the Board of Directors
  9. Election of new Board members
  10. Conclusion of the meeting


Proposed resolutions

2.    Election of the Chairman of the Meeting

The shareholders propose Christian W. Jansson as Chairman of the Meeting.


8.    Statement of the shareholders’ proposal for a resolution regarding the election of new members of the Board of Directors


New Directors

At the General Meeting held on April 25, 2023, Sonat Burman Olsson, Christian Frigast, Christian W. Jansson, Peder Lundquist, Hillevi Engström, Charlotte Strand, Susanne Hundsbæk-Pedersen and Erik Sandstedt were re-elected members of the Board until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The meeting also resolved to re-elect Christian W. Jansson as Chairman of the Board and to re-elect Christian Frigast as Vice-Chairman of the Board.


Erik Sandstedt and Charlotte Strand have resigned from the Board of Directors at their own request, with effect from July 1, 2023.


The shareholders therefore propose the election of Jenny Lahrin and Anja Bach Eriksson as members of the Board until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.


Jenny Lahrin was born in 1971. She holds a Jur. kand. degree from Uppsala University, an LLM from the University of Amsterdam and an EMBA from the Stockholm School of Economics. She is a Board member of SBAB Bank AB, V.S. VisitSweden AB, AB Göta kanalbolag and Saminvest AB. She holds the position of Deputy Director in the Government Offices of Sweden. She has previously held Board positions in RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Swedavia AB, SOS Alarm Sverige AB, Vattenfall AB and Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier AB. She has also previously served as General Counsel and member of the management team at Veolia Transport Northern Europe AB.


Anja Bach Eriksson was born in 1974. She holds a B. Sc. in International Business and an M. Sc. in Applied Economics & Finance from Copenhagen Business School. She serves as VP at ATP – Long Term Danish Capital, Chair of the Board of M. J. Eriksson Holding A/S, Vice Chair of HusCompagniet and member of the Board of Pihl Holdings A/S, M. J. ERIKSSON A/S, Veo Technologies A/S and Ferrosan Medical Devices. Previously, she served as Chair of the Board of ANCOTRANS/Anders Nielsen & Co A/S and SCF Advisers A/S, Board member of Trackunit, Scandinavian Center Aarhus, Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA), Senior Portfolio Manager Sampension and Financial Analyst at Goldman Sachs.



Other information

This notice and full proposals for resolutions will be made available at the Company from July 20, 2023. The documents will also be available on the Company website,, from the same date. The notice will be sent free of charge to the recipient to shareholders who wish to receive it and provide their postal address. Such requests may be sent to the address for registration given above.



Number of shares and votes

At the time this notice was issued, the total number of shares in the Company was 1,524,905,971 ordinary shares and 475,094,030 class B shares, equivalent to a total of 1,572,415,374 votes.


Processing of personal data

Personal data obtained from the stock register, notification of participation at the General Meeting and details of proxies and assistants will be used for registration, drawing up a voting list for the General Meeting and, where appropriate, minutes of the meeting. For information regarding how personal data is handled, see the privacy policy posted on the Euroclear website at:



Solna, July 2023


PostNord AB (publ)



If you have any questions, please contact: PostNord Media Relations, tel. +46 10 436 10 10, email

Contact person: Björn Bergman. The information was submitted, through the agency of the contact person defined above, for publication at 10.25 CET on July 20, 2023.



Last Updated: 2024-05-07 16:21