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Victoria Svedberg

Strategic Transformation Lead, Network and Technology Strategy

As a Strategic transformation lead in the network and technology strategy team within Nordic Strategy, Victoria primarily investigates and follows up on on strategic initiatives and pilots.

Why did you choose to take the job as Strategic Transformation Lead? What is best about your role as Strategic Transformation Lead?
The development within logistics has accelerated the last years and a large focus is on the parcel deliveries. As a strategic transformation lead, I get opportunity to understand the market, see new technologies, learn about the operation and connect these together to create a long-term direction for PostNord and make PostNord a market leading expert in logistics.

Can you describe how a normal work week looks like in your role as Strategic Transformation Lead?
A normal work week contains staying up to date with the logistics market, learning about new interesting technologies and understanding operations. The tasks are very versatile and could be anything from POCs and pilots to implementations.

What kind of persons would fit and thrive in the role of strategic transformation lead with us at PostNord?
A dynamic, problem-solver who forms opinions based on data and facts. Someone who shows ownerships and responsibility of tasks. You must also have an interest to work both with a long-term perspective but should also be able to dive deep into the details.