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Mattias Hovinen Gråå

Business Developer, Real Estate

As a Business Developer at the Real Estate department, Mattias are primarily responsible for work in strategically early stages of analyzing to initiate new opportunities for new investments and proactively leading and developing Nordic logistic infrastructure.

Why did you choose to take on the job as Business Developer Manager? What´s the best about your role as Business Developer Manager?
I´d worked within PostNord for a few years before taking on the new role as Business Developer Manager. I simply wanted to be a part of the exciting and expansive journey of new logistic assets together with sustainable business. The challenging aspects of increasing parcel volumes in the Nordic countries whilst dealing with geographical and environmental changes is one of the many reasons why my job so inspiring.

Can you describe how a normal work week looks like in your role as Business Developer Manager?
My daily schedule varies from week to week where no one is like the other. One day I´m handling municipality contacts and reviewing agreements, the other day I´m preparing new investment documents and leading tender negotiations.

It´s unique to be able to work with business development in early stages starting from investigation of location all the way to operation start.

What kind of person would fit and thrive in the role as Business Developer Manager with us at PostNord?
To really thrive in the real estate department, one must find motivation in challenges on a daily basis. It´s also positive to be responsive, curious and – of course – have a genuine interest in real estate.