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Hannes Andersson

IT Operations Manager, Group Operations at Direct Link

Hannes is an IT Operations Manager in the unit Group Operations at Direct Link, a subsidiaries to PostNord. The team works from the head office in Solna and dotted line reports in our operating units in Asia-Pacific, Americas and Europe-Middle East. International Support lead, monitor and support our hub and network operations, and head the IT development and integration.

Why did you choose to take the job as an IT Operations Manager? What is best about your role as IT Operations Manager?
I had already been working with cross border mail at Arlanda so it was a natural step to further develop and understand the global logistics when jumping aboard Direct Link.

The best thing about the role is that there’s so much going on at all time. As the global logistic market is constantly evolving, you need to be able to make quick and sound decisions and have really good communication.

Another great thing is the cultural aspect which can be both challenging and rewarding when we’re practically doing business all around the world!

Can you describe how a normal work week looks like in your role as IT Operations Manager?
Every week is different from each other, but in general it’s all about making production as smooth as possible while keeping an eye on the ongoing development of whatever is in the pipeline.

Having lead in the production system development I regularly follow-up on the ongoing development and make sure the IT supplier understand our goals so they can relate and contribute to our development initiatives.

I also need to be aware of upcoming demands and requirements to make sure that our current setup is always in compliance with EDI standards, presentation, agreements, security and legislation among others.

Due to the small size of Direct Link we all work together and cross-functional to contribute and learn from each other so we can make sure we’re on target with everything.

What kind of persons would fit and thrive in the role of IT Operations Manager with us at Direct Link and PostNord?
Being in Direct Link is a constant mix of evolving and migrating from old ways to new ways while not neglecting what we already got.

So, if you’re curious just about everything and not afraid for change then Direct Link is for you.