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Meetings and attendance

The table shows the number of meetings held by the PostNord Board of Directors as well as the attendance of the individual Board members.

Board of Directors, attendance 2023



Board meetings

18 meetings

Audit Committee

8 meetings

Remuneration Committee

3 meetings

Christian W Jansson 18 2 3
Christian Frigast 17   3
Susanne Hundsbæk-Pedersen 15   3
Erik Sandstedt 1) 4 4  
Jenny Lahrin 2) 9 3  
Sonat Burman Olsson 16 8  
Hillevi Engström 16   3
Charlotte Strand 3) 3 4  
Peder Lundquist 13 8  
Anja Bach Eriksson 4,5) 2 0  
Bo Fröström (A) 17    
Daniel Hansen (A) 18    
Sandra Svensk (A) 18    
Per-Arne Lundberg (supp A) 16    
Dzevad Ramic (supp A) 17    
Jess Sloth Hansen (supp A) 17    

1) Resigned in July 2023
2) Elected to the Board of the Extraordinary General Meeting held in August 2023
3) Resigned in July 2023
4) Elected to the Board of the Extraordinary General Meeting held in August 2023
5) Resigned in October 2023





More about Corporate Governance

Articles of Association

PostNord's Articles of Association was adopted at the Annual General Meeting 2011. It specifies the regulations for our operations and defines our purpose. 

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is the company’s highest decision-making body. Documentation from all previous meetings can be found here. 


Each year the Annual General Meeting is required to approve guidelines for executive compensation in the PostNord Group.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is tasked with preparing the Board to perform its duties of supervising and assuring the quality of the group’s financial reporting.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee prepare and present proposals regarding compensation for corporate management and remuneration principles. 


An auditing firm has been elected as auditor for the period through the close of the annual general meeting. A certified public accountant will be in charge of the audit.

Group Leadership Team

The PostNord Group Leadership Team represent different parts of the organization. Annemarie Gardshol is the Group CEO.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors holds overall responsibility for the organization and management of the company.

Corporate Governance Report

PostNord’s Corporate Governance Report is part of the Annual and Sustainability Report.